Tcherkoyan Family Scholarship
The Tcherkoyan Family Scholarship was created to honor the lives and commitment of Gregory and Seta Tcherkoyan. Greg died in October 2022; Seta lives in Paso Robles, California.
Greg grew up in Fresno and attended Roosevelt High School and Fresno City College. He hoped to continue his education at Fresno State, but he met Seta when he was just 19 and moved to Oakland as they married and began their family together. In short order they had three daughters, and both Greg’s and Seta’s hopes of completing a college degree were set aside.
Seta and Greg knew that education was key to the life they wanted for themselves and their children. Like many parents, they worked hard and sacrificed much to send their children to college. Greg studied for and earned licenses in real estate and securities law to further his career, and he became quite successful. But both Seta and Greg always regretted the fact that they had not had the opportunity to finish college themselves.
The purpose of this scholarship is to share with committed students—particularly those who begin their post-secondary education at a community college—the assurance of financial support that Greg and Seta were able to provide for their own children. It is offered to help you achieve your goals, no matter how full a set of responsibilities you might be carrying with you to college.