Fly Fishers for Conservation Scholarship

This scholarship is open to students who demonstrate the motivation and desire to achieve a degree within the College of Science and Mathematics. First preference will be given to those who express an interest in a field of research that will benefit Central California cold water streams supporting various trout species. If there are no available candidates that meet that preference, then the scholarship committee can select a student interested in studying fish, fish habitats or another closely related area of environmental science. A minimum $500 scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student. Minimum GPA for this award is a 2.5 or greater.

Biology, College of Science & Math
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you interested in research that will benefit Central California cold water streams that support various trout species, or interested in studying fish, fish habitats, or closely related area of environmental science?
  2. Please describe your interest in research that benefits Central California cold water streams, the study of fish habitats, or related area of environmental science.