Fresno State Alumni Association - Bulldog Pride Timeout Spirit Award

Scholarships shall be awarded to full-time undergraduate or part-time graduate students with minimum GPA of 2.0. Applicants must have demonstrated example of pride in the community through past involvement in a club, activity, event or project as an unpaid volunteer. In addition, applicants must plan on performing (or tryout) as Fresno State’s mascot – TimeOut – in the next academic year.

Alumni Association
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you plan on performing (or tryout) as Fresno State’s mascot – TimeOut – in the next academic year?
  2. Please explain how you demonstrated pride in the community through past involvement in a club, activity, event, or project as an unpaid volunteer..
  3. What does the Latin phrase “Bonus Intra. Melior Exi.” mean to you?