Fresno State Alumni Association - Bulldog Pride Jeffery Robinson Humanics Award

Scholarships shall be awarded to full-time undergraduate or part-time graduate students with minimum GPA of 2.0. Applicants must have demonstrated example of pride in the community through past involvement in a club, activity, event, or project as an unpaid volunteer. In addition, applicants must have enrolled in any past or current courses in the Humanics Certification Program.

Alumni Association
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you participating in the Humanics Program which offers a Certificate in Administration & Leadership for Community Benefit Organizations and a Minor in Philanthropic and Community-based Leadership?
  2. Please list the semester of enrollment (and grade earned, if completed) in the following Humanics courses you have completed, are currently enrolled in, or will enroll in next semester: SOC 144, 183S, 184S, 185I, 186S, 187SE, 188S, 189S, and/or 190.
  3. Please explain how you demonstrated pride in the community through past involvement in a club, activity, event, or project as an unpaid volunteer..