Ernie and Inez Shelton Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship shall be awarded to deserving student with a declared major in the Kremen School of Education and Human Development and working to become a K-12 school teacher. Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Kremen School of Education & Human Development
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you working to become a K-12 school teacher?
  2. In order to be considered for this scholarship, applicants must answer the following questions.
    • 1. Describe your interest in becoming a teacher and the role you see teachers’ impact having on their communities.
    • 2. Describe a time when you have witnessed social injustice, bias, or racism. How did it impact you?
    • 3. Describe what you believe are the most important characteristics of a great teacher. Feel free to use past examples to describe these values, attributes, or experiences that shaped your view.
    • 4. Describe how you will use your studies at college (courses) and your experiences (internship, vocational training, extra-curricular) to prepare you to be the best teacher to under-represented students.
    • 5. In addition, students must include resume with a cover letter which includes demonstrated volunteerism in the community or campus involvement focused on social change.